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Minha loja



Regular price $48.00 USD
Regular price $70.00 USD Sale price $48.00 USD
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What’s Included: Rosy Calathea plant in a taupe ecopot


Things always feel more Rosie when this plant is near! With unique pink and green patterned leaves, this 6” rosy calathea comes in a taupe Ecopot. The calathea is commonly known as a type of prayer plant because the leaves rise up into — what appears to be — a prayer position at night, and then lower down during the day. This sign of gratitude is the plant’s essential nature of giving thanks all year long. As a bonus, calathea plants help to purify the air you breathe, so keeping them close by will keep you and your space happy.

Ecopots are made from recycled plastic and are lightweight and break-proof. These specially designed pots prevent overwatering and allow roots to breathe.

Medium to bright, indirect sunlight
Water 1x weekly when top 2 inches of soil is dry
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